Treating Skin Disorders

If there is one thing that you can be sure of with kids in the house, it’s that you’re going to need Dettol. Skinned knees are virtually a daily occurrence and before you go and stick the placebo band aid on, which is being pleaded for, you’re going to need to clean that graze up. A close second in regularity to the grazed knees is illness. With kids in daycare or school, the amount of germs that are being shared is almost unfathomable. Sloppy sneezes and nose picking galore. If you want to avoid bouncing from one sick family member to the next in a cycle so cruel it can send you round the bend, then hygiene is going to be key. Getting the family trained up on washing their hands with Dettol will go a long way to stemming the germ sharing. Why? It’s the germs we come in contact with throughout the day which can make us sick. The antibacterial properties of Dettol help to kill germs, protecting us against illness. Hence, the iconic logo of the sword, symbolising the killing of the germs and the shield, symbolising Dettol’s commitment to protecting communities. Of course, Dettol’s role in supporting basic hygiene is well known. What is perhaps less well known is how it can be utilised successfully in the fight against more significant and nasty skin disorders.

Skin infections come about as a result of harmful germs finding their way into the skin via a cut or break, which allows the germs to grow and spread. These germs typically come in the form of bacteria, fungi or viruses. Whilst Dettol is highly effective in protecting against and resolving skin infections, if infection is severe then a round of antibiotics may be required to resolve the infection. 

Some typical types of skin disorders that Dettol can be utilised in the fight against include:

  • Boils 

Boils present themselves as a tender red lump on your skin. They are an infection typically associated with a hair root or sweat pore. They most commonly pop up on the face, neck, armpits, shoulders and buttocks. Anyone can develop a boil, regardless of health, as they are usually caused by a bacteria called Staphylococcus aureus, which is harmless whilst it’s just living on your skin but can become a problem the moment the skin barrier gets broken. 
If the boil is only small then you can treat it at home with warm compresses, which encourage the boil to open and allow it to drain itself.  
Where Dettol enters the equation is that good hygiene is absolutely critical to ensure that boils don’t spread, which they can very easily. Wash your hands with Dettol before and after handling the boil and wash away any pus from the area with a Dettol soaked wipe to avoid spreading the infection. 
Any large boil, say bigger than a 10 cent piece, or a boil that is causing significant pain, should be checked by a doctor. 

  • Acne

If you’ve been through puberty then you are probably all too familiar with the dreaded acne. Chocolate often gets a bad wrap when it comes to acne and whilst diet can have an impact upon acne the condition is caused by our hair follicles becoming blocked. We all produce oil under our skin, which is a good thing because otherwise it would dry out. However, if too much of this oil, known as sebum, is produced, then it can team up with dead skin cells to block our follicles. Bacteria then grows in the blocked follicles, causing those inflamed volcanoes we know as pimples. Despite acne being most common in adolescents, it can still bother adults, particularly women. Washing the typically problem areas, such as the face, back and chest with Dettol’s antibacterial bar soap will help to minimise the spread of bacteria. Washing your hands regularly with the same antibacterial soap and avoiding touching problem areas will further help to minimise the spread of bacteria. Another hot tip is to wash with lukewarm water, as extreme hot and or cold water can further aggravate acne. 
Whatever you do, no matter how tempting it is, do not, I repeat, do not try to squeeze and pop the acne. It will not only spread bacteria, making the problem worse. It can also cause scarring, leaving you with a permanent reminder of that awkward teenage phase. 

Obviously, our best line of defense against infection is to kill the germs before they even get to us. As bacteria and fungi can survive anywhere where there is moisture and warmth in your home, it is crucial to clean surfaces in the home to minimise the chance of coming into contact with these germs. The kitchen and the bathroom are the key areas where bacteria can thrive. Preparation of raw meat can see E. Coli bacteria rear its ugly head, whilst salmonella can also be present if preparing chicken and raw eggs. Disinfecting work surfaces with Dettol Surface Cleaner and regularly washing hands can help to keep your family safe from these harmful bacterias. 

The bathroom is the other key area where bacteria can be highly present thanks to the possibility of faeces becoming areolised and landing on surfaces. Disinfecting these areas, along with practising good handwashing techniques can help to ensure good health for the whole family. 

As well as bacteria, viruses can survive on surfaces for quite an extended period of time, sometimes even days. As a virus's goal is to replicate itself, which only happens by getting inside us to infect our healthy cells, disinfection can help to stop this process in its tracks. Rather than allowing viruses to temporarily camp out on surfaces before we inevitably come into contact with them, disinfection of the surfaces means the contamination doesn’t get from the surface, to our hands and then to our faces, providing an entry point and chance for replication. 

So, despite Dettol being useful when applied to ourselves in treating particular infections, or warding off potential infections, really we are best off to get to the bacteria and viruses before they come in contact with us. Far more than just a treatment for just grazed knees and snotty noses, right? If you didn’t have Dettol in your house before reading this then I’m sure you’re on your way to the pharmacy now to pick some up. 


Image Sources by: Freepik

Author: @stefamerpik


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