Covid-safe = family love: Six ways to protect your nearest and dearest this summer - Aussie Pharmacy

Moonwalks and Pandemics

Before we talk about family, let’s talk about the moon landing.

Chances are, there’s someone you know who watched it live on TV. They were probably just a child, sitting in a large hall at school with a single tiny TV wheeled out specifically for this purpose. They could probably describe for you, in detail, every minute moment.

Some momentous events are like this. They burst onto the scene with fanfare and then impress themselves on your memory for the rest of your life.

A wedding. The birth of a child. The first day of retirement.

Then there are other events that sneak up on you, tiptoeing through the darkness of time and settling into the present almost unnoticed. The significance of these events often escapes us.

Coronavirus is like this. It is unlikely we will remember first hearing about the virus the way our parents or grandparents remember the first ever moonwalk.

But there’s no doubt that the virus has changed the world.

The new now

People talk about The New Normal. I like to talk about The New Now. Here’s what I mean: in previous times, it was the future that seemed uncertain. These days, however, it’s the present – the now that seems uncertain.

Whether it’s the uncertainty of work, or the ever-shifting government regulations, or the threat of inflation, of the spread of a new variant, or the constant rescheduling of flights to visit the ones we love the most, the present can sometimes feel just as murky as the future.

One thing, however, hasn’t changed: your care for your family.

Keeping your family safe

Research tells us that positive family relationships have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing. Of course, building these relationships take time – you can’t just order strong relationships through an online pharmacy Australia.

For those of us lucky to have a family that loves us, it’s natural that we look for ways to love them back.

And here’s one of the best ways to do this: take practical, actionable steps to keep them safe. Here are a few things you might consider to weave a culture of Covid-safety and Covid-awareness into the fabric of your family.

  1. Look after vulnerable members of your family

This first step might seem obvious, but it is worth repeating. Sadly, some members of Australian society are much more likely to contract the virus than others. If you have elderly members of your family, for example, then it is important to act carefully to ensure their safety and your own. You might like to:

  • Ensure that you have hand santiser available around the house. If not, resupply at your local supermarket, chemist, or online pharmacy Australia.
  • Consider having groceries and essential items such as prescriptions delivered. This can reduce the amount of time vulnerable members of your household spend in high-risk areas.
  • Introduce older members of your family to the Older Person’s COVID-19 support line. This free service provides important information for elderly Australians.

You may also like to speak to your GP about further action that you can take to keep members of your family safe.

  1. Audit your medical supplies

Check your family’s first aid kit, ensuring that you have basic medical supplies. You may need to stock up, replace, or supplement some of the products. Ensure that you keep your kit in a safe place that can be easily accessed as required.[1]

In the strange new world that we live in, you should make sure that you have a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests. These can be hard to come by, so it is important to plan in advance. Ordering through an online pharmacy Australia is a good option, as it will save you the time of visiting multiple brick-and-mortar chemists.

  1. Follow government guidelines

I know that government guidelines have been a source of frustration for many. For some, they have seemed unacceptably extensive. For others, they have seemed woefully inadequate.

I don’t want to get political here. Debates about this or that premier are best done in face-to-face conversations, not on a blog for an online pharmacy Australia.

That said, please, please, please follow the health advice provided by the state and federal governments. Is this the only advice you should pay attention to? No. But you still must pay attention to it nonetheless.

Depending on the state you live in, you should consider:

  • Guidelines and laws regarding isolation
  • Definitions of close and casual contact
  • Rules regarding submitting your RAT results
  1. Get vaccinated

You probably expect me to talk about the COVID vaccination. Of course, the COVID vaccination – and the required boosters – is the best way to protect yourself and your family. In fact, COVID vaccinations:

  • Lower the risk of hospitalisation and death due to COVID
  •  Make it more difficult for the virus to spread
  • Keeps those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons to stay healthy
  • Help hospitals work effectively by reducing the surge of COVID-19 patients
  • Are entirely free

All that said, I’m actually talking about the flu vaccine. Yes – the flu, the forgotten killer. With all the emphasis on COVID, some of the spotlight has been taken off the flu. In some ways, this makes good sense: the spread of the flu has been at a historic low. At some point, though, it will again rear its ugly head. Because of this, it’s worth getting the flu vaccine annually. For many Australians, including older Australians, children under five, pregnant women, and indigenous Australians, the flu shot is entirely free.

  1. Look after your mental health, and look out for those in your family

With all the talk of physical health, it’s easy to forget the importance of your mental health and well-being, and the mental health and well-being of your family.

To stay emotionally and mentally robust during these challenging times, you might consider:

  • Maintaining clear routines, rhythms, and boundaries, particularly if you are not working, are working from home, or are a carer for a family member.
  • Eating healthy, balanced meals and exercising regularly.[2]
  • Cultivating a sense of belonging and connectedness with others, and using technology to build upon and develop these relationships.[3]
  • Speaking to your GP about developing a mental health plan suitable to your needs and situation.

According to the Australian Department of Health, if you are a family member are in need of immediate assistance, you could contact:

In an emergency, call 000.[4]

  1. Seek medical assistance as required

The last point, like the first, should be obvious. Nonetheless, sometimes the most obvious things are the ones that are best worth repeating.

Moonwalking on repeat

Why start by talking about moonwalking?

It’s because those in your family who remember the moon landing are likely old enough to be particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus. The reality is, whatever the shape of your family, you want the best for your nearest and dearest. That makes sense. In the new now, protect those that matter most.




[4] The information in these bullet points are drawn from


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